
October 31, 2014

Photo Friday ~ Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween everybody! I hope you are having a great time trick-or-treating and doing other fun activities. It is Photo Friday "witch" means photos! So lets take a look. These are the photos that you all sent me! Lets see what your dolls are up to. :D

Here we have Inner Star Studio's dolls. Starting to the left, Rebecca as a gymnast, Isabelle as a ballerina, and Alexandria as a red angry bird. They are all very cute! Thank you so much Marissa for sending in your picture!

There was only one picture but that's OK. :) It's a start!

Now for what my dolls are going to be for Halloween. Mae as a 70's girl, Saige as a cheerleader, and Claire as a ballerina. I updated Mae's costume a bit. If you would like to see more pictures from these photo shoots, click here and here.

Thanks for reading! And happy Halloween. :)

AG Chick


  1. Thank you for posting my picture!!!

  2. Great picture Marissa, and I love all the costumes. ^-^

  3. Their costumes are sooo adorable! Mae is super cute! :)


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