
October 27, 2014

Mae's Halloween costume

Hey everyone Mae says hi! One of last weeks post was Photo Friday showing what all of my dolls were going to be for Halloween. I took some advice from Adaline in making Mae's costume a 70's girl! So this is basically a update of the previous post. Here is her new costume! Compared to her old one, this one is much better. If you haven't seen that post, click HERE. ;D Enjoy the pictures! :)

Does Mae make a good 70's girl?

Which part of the outfit is your favorite? I really like the skirt. It has the cute belt
loops and I love the colors. :)

 The photo above is probably my favorite one.

                                          I really love this picture too!

Which photo was your favorite? I had a really fun time taking these photos, and thank you so much Adaline for the fantastic idea for Mae's new and improved costume! It would be awesome if you would check out her fantastic blog HERE. :)Thanks so much for reading and I will see you Wednesday. Happy Halloween!

P.s. Send me pictures of what your dolls are going to be for Halloween and I may post them this upcoming Photo Friday! (October 31, 2014) Also, make sure to include a description/caption of you photo. My E-mail is  See you then!

Fun Facts:
Mae is MAG #37, and she is wearing "Julie's summer skirt set" from American Girl

AG Chick


  1. Aww, you took my suggestion?! *hugs you*
    Mae looks adorable as a 70's girl; I love the skirt and headband!!! =D

    1. I thought that your idea was great! Plus it is much better than before. ;)

    2. Aww thanks dear! Mae looks adorable. :)
      Also, I nominated you for an award at my blog! =)

  2. Those photos are sooooo pretty! McKenna is being a 70's girl too, and their costumes look similar! I LOVE the last two photos! They are all beautiful! :)

    1. I love Mckenna's costume! She looks really cute. :)

  3. Mae makes an super cute 70's girl, and I absolutely love her name!

    I love your blog, Leah! You just gained a new follower :)


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