
About Me

Hi there! My name is Leah. You can call me Leah, AG Chick, whatever you want really. I started this blog on January 31, 2014. I'm not really sure why I started this blog to be honest. I think I was a little over my head at first but I've got the hang of it now! And now, it has become sort of
part of my life! Just for you all to know me a little better, here are a few things about me you probably didn't know. :)

I am an extrovert. Which means that I thrive off of being around people,
I love the seasons fall and spring,
If you'd have the chance to see me, I'd probably be wearing either jeans or boots, or maybe both together!
My favorite color is Mint green,
I am Christian, to be more exact, I'm a Mormon! 
My all time favorite musicians are: Taylor Swift, Tiffany Alvord, Against The Current, and Lindsey Stirling.
My favorite animals are: Pandas, Peacocks, and Giraffes.
I LOVE waffles, they are THE best breakfast there is,
I also like Sushi, and Lasagna.
I have something called Synesthesia. It's where I have different colors for each letter in the alphabet. Example: Y. Pretty cool huh?
I have a obsession over Llamas. XD
I play the piano. I have been playing for about 2/1 years.
I love painting my nails, and TBH I think I'm pretty good at it!
Claire MAG #23 is my look alike. So is GOTY 2015.
My birthday is on June 2.
My favorite pattern is Chevron.
I like to draw. I don't do it all the time, but I still enjoy doing it. ^_^
I used to be in Gymnastics, and Trampoline.
I really want to try out for Track. (I really don't know if I'd pass) XD
I have 4 American Girl dolls. 

So now you know more about me! Comment down below if we have anything in common. :)


  1. Hey Leah! You were nominated for the Encouragement Blog Award on my blog.

    Allie D.

  2. Taylor Swift is distantly related to me, I love chevron, I had sushi for lunch :), and I looooooove alpacas!!!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Yes, Lindsey Stirling FTW!! :D
    Mint green is the best though.
    So are jeans with boots.
    Also waffles. Anyone who says pancakes are better needs a psychiatrist ASAP.
    Well, that's all for now. Off I go, back under my little rock of weirdness.

    - Ellie

    1. Sounds like we have quiet a bit in common! ^_^
      ~Leah <3

  4. Wow that's a lot about you!! OH MY GOSH LINDSEY STIRLING IS LIFE!!!!!! O_o

  5. We are so similar!
    I love Lindsey Stirling, waffles, giraffes, God, piano, llamas, and like half of the other stuff you said about yourself. your blog is really awesome too!

  6. I have synesthesia too! I associate things with colors thought, not actually SEE it.

    1. I'm the same person as Azure, I just changed it to my real name. :P

      My name is Amelia, and I have Caroline. :P

      I LOVE CHEVRON! And I'm horrible at painting my nails.

  7. Have you read the book A Mango-Shaped Space? It's about a girl who has synesthesia, and it's really good. It's so cool that you have it!

    1. No I haven't read that book. It sounds good though! I'll have to check it out. :)

  8. Hey Leah...nice blog put together at such a young teenage...everything about this blog is so cute...would be certainly interested to follow from hereon...please feel free to get in touch with me at


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