
September 2, 2015

My opinion on the AG winter release + Maryellen!

In today's post I will be stating my opinion on AG's new items!
Including Maryellen!

American Girl Maryellen Larkin
Let's start off with Maryellen.
I personally think that she's adorable! 
She will definitely be coming home with me eventually! I do see a couple things that I don't like about her outfit though... First of all her blue shrug has her first initial monogrammed on to it which I don't like... Plus it's just a random black color when her outfit has more of a pastel feel to it. 
And that's where her shoe issue comes in. I don't really like the random black in her outfit.
And yes, black tends to match everything, but I feel like it just didn't belong in this outfit. 

What do you think of her?

Let's move on to the new Truly Me items!

Okay... I seriously don't know if I can even live without having this for the girls!
This is adorable! And I like it how AG added a couple accessories to it!

I don't really care for these much... The top seems like something a Bitty Baby would wear... 
Haha, and actually they do wear this! AG also released new Bitty Baby PJ's and it's the same style as the ones for the TM dolls!

THIS OUTFIT IS BEYOND AMAZING. I love the accents of the gold that AG added.
But the price, not so much...

Don't really care much for this outfit. I like the pants though!

I personally love this leotard much more than the other one! I also like that it comes with more accessories!

I don't really know how I feel about this... I like it, but I feel like it's not necessary for there to be two... Idk. 

I love the bright colors and patterns! I can see that this would involve a lot of interactive play if a girl got this. Well done AG.
I'm kind of tempted to buy it myself... xD


There are a ton more items on the AG website that I haven't even touched on but go check that out for yourself on their site here.
 make sure to enter my giveaway!
Enter here.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. I love Maryellen!
    I love the fancy dress!
    I love the polar bear pjs!
    I'm okay with the black and silver outfit.
    I love the outfit with the zebra print shirt.
    I don't like the new rhythmic gym set.
    I am okay with the new gym outfits.
    I LOVE the tv!


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