
July 27, 2015

New African-American BeForever character?

Hello everyone! So I stumbled across this blog post saying that American Girl should be releasing a African-American BeForever doll in 2016!
This is super exciting!

fb african american girl doll
Photo credit

It's not really a rumor because AG pretty much gave it all away, but this is still awesome!
I just looked at their trademarks and saw a couple names that they just claimed this year.
Emily, Gabriela, and Melody Ellison.
I really hope that they don't name her Emily!
American Girl has been re-using a lot of their old doll's names lately! It's getting really annoying.
I like the name Melody though.
What do you guys think about this?

Thanks for reading!


  1. I really like your blog! I nominated you for an award on my blog!


  2. They have 2 African American Historicals? I know they have Addy but who else?

  3. YAY AFRICAN AMERICAN BEFOREVER DOLL! I'm excited for more diverse american girl lines. We still need an African American girl of the year doll, and an Asian historical who isn't a sidekick. I would like an Indigenous Peoples* girl of the year also.
    Have we ever had any Hispanic dolls?

    *or native american. I forget what the proper word is.

    1. I think Marisol GOTY for 2005 was Hispanic. Not sure.

  4. That is awesome!!!!! i can't wait to see what she looks like. I hope they name her Melody too. :)

  5. What's cool is that I also did a post on that, where I was having a heart attack about it. I called it: OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG :P


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