
May 27, 2015

Happy birthday Saige!

I totally forgot that Saige's birthday was yesterday!!! 
 I'm such a bad "Mom"... xD

I've had dear Saige for 2 years now.
That's just crazy.
I remember when I first opened her. It seems like yesterday...
It was after I was at my cousins house. My Dad had a surprise for me when he came to pick my siblings and I up. I was already expecting the AG package but I thought that I'd have to wait to open it when I got home. But it turns out that my Dad had brought her with him in the car when he was picking us up. We were driving home and that's when I first got a peak at her and opened her sweater outfit. 
It was midnight when we finally got home but I didn't care! 
I was almost falling over because I was so tired when I opened her. She brought a huge smile to my face! 
She was the prettiest thing that I had ever seen... 
She was so much prettier in person then in those stock photos.
I felt like the happiest girl in the world!
My sisters were almost as excited as I was when I showed her to them the next day!
I was just so happy to have her.
She was really special to me because first, she was my first doll, but also because I paid for her myself and I felt like I had accomplished something so great.

Thank you so much Saige. 
You have brought so many smiles to my face and you still do. :)

And just for kicks, here are a few old photos of the girls.
They are the very first ones that I have ever taken for my blog. xD

No comment... xD
You can tell that I have gotten so far photography wise since.

Well, happy birthday Saige. ^_^


  1. Happy birthday, Saige! *confetti* *balloons* *cake* I hope you had a great day!

    - Ellie

  2. Happy birthday saige!
    Saige is so pretty. I wish I had gotten her when she was avalible.

  3. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SAIGE! Hope you had a great birthday! ^-^

  4. Happy birthday! I think it is so special that Saige was your first doll and that you paid for it yourself!

  5. Happy Birthday Saige! Wow you have really improved your photography skills! I love looking back at my first photos I took :) Also Saige looks so lovely in those pics :)

  6. Happy Birthday, Saige! Could you please check out my most recent post? And vote? I would love it if you could! :)

    Allie D.


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