
March 25, 2015

It's just the beginning ~ A photo shoot


Hello everyone! ^_^
I hope that you enjoyed these photos of Saige, and
okay, I am in love with these photos! They are by far my favorite pictures taken with my new camera! I asked my Mom if it was Okay to be addicted to my camera, and she said that I could be "If I was trying new things with it." but this is not good... I'M TAKING PICTURES IN MY SPARE TIME. I mean who does that? I didn't even eat dinner one time together with my family because I was taking photos! But I really love my new camera.
It's absolutely amazing.


Whelp, thanks for reading everyone! 
Make sure to comment down below which pictures were your favorite!


  1. Gorgeous pictures! Saige looks beautiful in that outfit!:)

  2. Ah these are gorgeous!!! Hehe, I think it's okay to be addicted to your camera--mine's not even new yet I literally spend all the time I can get taking pictures xD


  3. These pictures are so pretty! I always love a closeup of Saige's eye :)

  4. I like photos 4, 8, 10, and 15!

  5. Wow, those are gorgeous photos! Your camera is very nice!


  6. Wow! Amazing pictures! I have Saige but I can't get her hair to be all pretty and wavy like that. Will you tell me how you did that? Thanks!

    1. Thanks! And for Saige's hair, I like to use foam curlers in her hair! It works great. But I only do that every once in a while when her curls get droopy. Other times, I just gently brush through her hair, and then sort of finger curl it. I could do a post about it if you'd like.

    2. Thanks, that would be awesome!

  7. Oh, wow! These pictures look stellar! I want your camera now! ;)

  8. SO GORGEOUS!! I MEAN OMIGOSH, WHY DOES SHE LOOK SO PRETTY??? Ahem. Gorgeous photos. :D We also nominated you for an award as well. :)

  9. Hello Leah! I've been following your blog for quite awhile and I'm not quite sure if I've spoke with you about MOTB which stands for Modest Outfits to Bless, a program on my blog, or if you've seen it on my blog but it can become a great opening for you and your blog. To make it easier for you I just need your permission to share some of the links to certain posts that match the criteria from your blog. :)

    Allie D.

  10. Really beautiful photos! Sounds like you're having fun with that new camera!

  11. Awesome photos! How do you keep Saige's hair nice?

    1. I'm planning on doing a post about how I keep up with Saige's hair, so stay tuned for that! :)


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