
March 6, 2015

Introducing Amelia Leigh Thomas

'Ello everyone! I am super excited for this post! If you didn't notice by the title, yes, I got a new doll! I am super excited!
Congrats to those who guessed the surprise right!

So make sure to go visit these fantastic blogs! And maybe even follow!

 So the new addition to the family is lovely Caroline Abbott! But I renamed her Amelia Leigh. I just thought that it fit her better. :) I am so happy that I FINALLY have her! She has been on my eye for the past few months.

 She is absolutely gorgeous... For anyone who is thinking about getting her you really should!
You don't even know how crazily I was tracking the AG package... Every. Single. Day. I checked up on it... I was so bad... XD
 I am so excited that she is in my doll family!
I sort of have an idea of what I want her personality to be like, but not totally sure. I'll wait and develop it when I have her long enough and "get to know her". ;) So what do you all think? shocked? 
And yes, there will be a photo story with the other girls reacting to their new sister! I'll hopefully have that up next Monday. So stay tuned for that! 

 I am so excited as you can tell that I have a fresh new face in my doll family! I haven't gotten a new doll in about a year! And I'll be adding her to the "My girls" page soon. :) Also look out for a outfit review! I got it along with Amelia.
Have a wonderful day!



  1. CONGRATS ON AMELIA LEAH! SHE'S GORGEOUS! Seriously though, she's beautiful. :D

  2. Congratulations, I love Caroline!

  3. I like the pictures of her wading through the flowers. Is seems like she should be singing a song. Something melancholy and whimsical, probably.

  4. Congrats on the new doll, and I love the photos! The purple flowers are so pretty. :)
    ~Christian Homeschooler

  5. Congrats on Amelia!!! She is so pretty and the pictures you took of her are gorgeous! I am planning on getting her soon! I'm going to rename her too because I'm not really a fan of the name Caroline. :)

    1. Thank you! I totally recommend her! The only thing that I found wrong were a few snags on her socks, but that's a minor flaw.

  6. I got Caroline just this week too! Enjoy, she's beautiful!

  7. Congratulations! I love that name for her! I also love the pics!:)


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