
January 26, 2015

I am back, and a couple Awards!

Hey everyone! I am back! And I am here with the "You're a great photographer award!", and "You are amazing and so is your blog award!" I was nominated by Doll daydreams, and the lovely Leah from ToDOLLY Awesome! Thank you so much both! It means tons to me. ;) So lets get to it!

I will first be doing the "Your a great photographer award!" Doll Daydreams nominated me for this one.

Here are the rules:

1. Nominate 3-7 blogs for this award and make a link to the blog.
2. If you are nominated, give 1 of your photography tips and answer the questions given.
3. Go comment on a post of the person you nominated letting them know they were nominated.
4. Copy the picture above on your post.
5. Link your post back to the original post.
6. Add the picture to your tool bar or page.
7. Copy these rules onto your post.
8. Have fun!

Here is my piece of advice to you all:
Always use natural lighting! It always turns out better. And if you like indoor photography, try taking your pictures by the window! It adds a nice feel to the photo and you get that perfect natural light! 

Her questions to me are:

  1. What kind camera do you use? A: I use my Kodak mini share camera. XD I am really embarrassed on how small it is... It's nothing fancy, at all. I am really surprised that I can get pretty decent photos out of it! So yeah... XD I plan to get better camera soon.
  2. Where is your favorite place to take photos? A: I really like anywhere that has nature, and natural lighting. I use my backyard frequently but I usually use my front yard. 
  3. Do you edit your photos? How often? A: I usually do edit my photos. A lot of the time I just lighten up the pictures, but lately I have been editing them. I have been experimenting with different ways to edit photos and I want to get good at it! Practice makes perfect!  
  4. How often do you take photos of your dolls? A: When I have free time I guess! I sometimes just do it for fun! I don't always do it for blog posts. 

Thank you so much! I loved answering those questions. :) Now lets see who I will nominate for this award! 

I nominate:
Adi from AG In The Shire,
Kaitlyn from American Girl Place,
Maddie from Dolls On My Mind,
 Leah from ToDolly awesome.

My questions for you all are:
  1. What camera do you use?
  2. Which one of your dolls is the most photogenic?
  3. Do you like indoor photography better, or outdoor? 
  4. Which season is your favorite to take photos of your dolls? (Sorry if that was confusing)

Now I will be doing the "You are amazing and so it your blog" award. I was nominated by Leah for this award. :D 

Here are her questions for me:

1.What's your favorite book series?
    Let's see... I love the Percy Jackson series! I don't know of any else really. Other than the childhood series Magic Tree House... XD I used to read them over and over again.  
2. Is you hair curly, straight, or wavy?
    My goodness... my hair is as straight as a stick. Even more than you can imagine. And it's REALLY long... I love it. :3
3. Are you totally obsessed with Polaroids like I am?
   I have wanted to own a Polaroid camera for a while now... I don't think I am totally obsessed with them, but I love them!  
4. Do you know how to French braid?
    Yup I do! I don't know how to do it on my self though. 
5.What blog that you follow has your favorite design?
    TBH I love Maddie's and Adi's (over on The Halfling Writer). I am really organized and I love everything crisp and clear to read, and I love the color scheme of their blogs! IDK why, but I do. XD 

So since I already did this award I will not be nominating people. Sorry! 

Well, that's the end of that! BTW comment down below what camera you use and if you recommend it. It would help me a lot to know which camera to buy. Thanks! Also, don't forget to enter your vote for the weekly poll! This weeks poll is: What are your favorite things to buy for your dolls? Have fun! 
Anyways, thank you SO much for reading! And I will see you Wednesday! Adios!



  1. Congrats on the awards! Thanks so much for the nomination, I'll have a post up asap :) also, I use the Canon Rebel XT and love it! It's an older camera and I'm not sure if it's still available tbh, but since you asked why not right?


  2. Hey, Leah!!! I have this award actually on my blog so if you could go on there and find the might be far down but if you could do that I would be very happy!!! :) congrats on the awards!!!

    Allie D.

    1. You were actually nominated for the award so I would love it if you could check it out! Thanks!

      Allie D.

  3. Congrats on the awards! I liked reading your answers! Thanks for nominating me!!! :D


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