
December 3, 2014

Happy birthday Mae!

On Thursday November 27, it was Mae's birthday! She is now turning 12 yrs old. (Doll world) And 1 year old for real life. (Me having her). This post will be all about Mae and her life.(I am posting this late but oh well!) (Basically fun pictures from her photo shoots) I got her at the Dallas TX American Girl Place November 27, 2013. I was so happy to get her! Before I got her I had had my eye on her for quite a while. :D The reason why I was attracted to her is because she looks a lot like my BFF who had moved away the year before, and I thought that it would be cute for Claire and her to be BFF's too. :D Claire is my look alike doll if you all didn't know. I didn't have Claire then but I was  definitely planning on getting her soon too. So here are a few photos in memory of Mae. :D Happy birthday girl!

Here are oldies and recent ones. :D Enjoy!
 Doll bunk bed review
 American Planet prize review. Fun with AG fan.
 American Planet outfit review.
 Isabelle's metallic dress review.
 Creamsicle Street skirt prize review.
 Mae's faves hair-dos.
 Halloween 2014
 Photo Friday~ Mae.
 A few shots of Mae.
 Doll cotton candy craft. Oldie!
 Simple photo shoot of Mae. This one is really old. It was one of my first pictures of Mae.

Happy birthday Mae! We love you!
From: Saige, and Claire. 

Thanks so much everyone for reading! I love you all. And have a great day. :D

Fun facts:
You can see the posts with these pictures of Mae by clicking on the different tabs at the top of my blog. These photos are located in: Reviews, crafts, and photos. All of them are there except for the very last photo. That one was never posted. 



  1. Happy birthday Mae!!
    All this pictures of Mae are absolutely gorgeous Leah!!<3

  2. Happy birthday to Mae! <3

  3. Happy birthday to Mae!!! She is so pretty! :)

  4. Happy Birthday Mae!! These photos are really sweet; I love them ♥

  5. Happy Birthday Mae! Leah, I nominated you for an can check it out at my blog

  6. Happy belated birthday, Mae! She is such a a cute doll ;D

    ★ Shelby-Grace ★


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