
November 12, 2014

Family photos ~ Claire

Hey everyone! I am continuing our family photo series. It is Claire's turn today. I have to say that I really like this set of photos. It is always hard to get the right pictures with Claire. And I am pretty happy with these. Do you like this batch? Enjoy!  

 I really like this shot of Claire. :D

 It is so funny that in almost all of these shots of Claire it looks like she has pink hair! :)

Thanks for reading! Which photo was your favorite? Stay tuned for Photo Friday. I'll be posting lots more pictures. :)
See ya then!


Fun facts:
Claire is wearing part of a retired AG outfit, also with bitty baby meet shoes.


  1. I like the 6th picture, great photo shoot!

  2. I LOVE Claire's dress!!! You take such beautiful photos!!! :)

  3. Great photos! I'm glad there are some dolls out there with the name Claire. :)

    1. Thanks! When I got Claire I thought of her name instantly and it was a really random choice. But I love it!

  4. Claire looks gorgeous!! I love the pics, you're a really talented photographer!

  5. Nice photos! It is kind of funny, because when we names all the My AG dolls(we don't have them, we just did it for fun, and so we could call them something), we named the one in this photoshoot Claire! So I guess it is a really good name for this doll. ;) I like the name, anyway, because a friend of mine is named that. :) It's interesting, though... do you not like to do hairstyles in Claire's hair?

    1. That is so funny! And yes, I love to do Claire's hair! Because you can do so much with it. :D

  6. Claire looks super cute in that outfit.

  7. These are soooo pretty! I love her dress! You are such a good photographer! :)


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