
October 15, 2014

Creamsicle street skirt review

Hi everyone! A little while ago I won the Creamsicle street giveaway from Emma! And now I will be doing a review on what I won. So what I won is a really cute skirt for my dolls! It is really cute and great quality. OK now to the pictures. :)

Here is the skirt alone and it is super cute! As you can see, the skirt has a nice floral print. I love the colors. To me it looks vintage! And I LOVE vintage.
Mae will be modeling this time.

 I love this picture.

I love Mae's braid. :)

Mae looks so pretty! 
Thanks so much Emma! My dolls absolutely love this skirt. We will be using this a lot. :)
Go check out Emma's blog!
Which photo was your favorite? Mine is the 5th one.
Thanks for reading, and I'll see you Friday!

AG Chick


  1. All of this pictures are my favorite; Mae and that skirt are just gorgeous! I love her braid. ;)

  2. So pretty. That skirt looks great with those boots. Great job with the photo shoot!

  3. Ah, I love it! The floral pattern is so pretty and the pleats are elegant. :) My favorite photo is the second to last one.

    ~ Mint

  4. That skirt is sooooo cute and Mae looks adorable in it! Amazing photos! :)


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