
June 29, 2015

Possible GOTY 2016


(Don't mind this random picture that I took. It's so that those who don't want to see the next GOTY won't have the picture appear on their dashboard. MADE THAT MISTAKE BEFORE. Whoops. xD )

*Keep scrolling to see the picture of her mini doll.*

So we possibly found the new GOTY for next year!

Image credit DeenaAndBeena.

Ahh! She's so cute! The outfit that she has on is possibly her meet outfit. And don't mind that she's on a Kit stand. It looks like she has medium skin, possibly green eyes, and brown hair. I may be really wrong though... xD And her name is supposed to be Gabriela. I love her little shoes. ^_^ I'll update this post if I find more information.

Thanks for reading!

June 24, 2015

The Sleepover (Part 1) ~ A photo story

I hope you all enjoy this! I haven't done a photo story in a long time!
I am just so lazy... xD
And by the way, this photo story is in the perspective of Amelia. ^_^

It was a great sunny afternoon when Saige announced her surprise to us girls.
 "Hey girls." Saige exclaimed. "I have a surprise for you all!" The other girls immediately started guessing what the surprise was. 
Mae: "Are we getting a new puppy?"
Claire: "Are we getting a new sister?"
Mae: "A new sister already?"
Saige: "No. None of those."
Both of them: "Aw..."
Saige finally told them: "We are having a sleep over with Sarah and Delilah tonight!"

Mae: (Gasp) "REALLY? We are going to have SO much fun! EEH!
Claire: "Sounds super fun! But not as fun as getting a new sister..." 

I had just realized that I was just standing there and hadn't said anything yet and that the girls were looking at me.
Saige: "Amelia, you haven't said anything. You okay?"
"Er, uh, yeah! I'm totally fine, I just don't really know who those people are..."
Claire: "Don't worry about a thing! Delilah and Sarah are super nice. You'll have a great time."
They then all smiled at me.
I felt a little bit better.

Since guests were coming we had to straighten up the apartment.
I really wish that Saige had told us about them coming over a day before so we wouldn't have to be in such a rush.
It's a good thing that the apartment isn't super big because otherwise we would be in big trouble.
Living with 3 other girls in the house is not the ideal setting for a tidy house.

Saige started directing us to do things.
"Claire, you take care of pepper."

Claire: "On it!" She then started coaxing him towards a place that wasn't being cleaned. "Here Pepper, come here boy."

Saige: "Mae, you start making the beds and cleaning up around there."
Mae: "Okay!"

Everyone started working.

There surprisingly wasn't that much to clean up at all. 

Amelia: "What do you want me to do Saige?"
Saige : "Um... Oh! Yeah, you can go get extra bedding for the sleep over. We're gonna need it."

Amelia: "Okay!"

I was just glad to get up and finally do something.

Mae: "I'm done making the beds!"
Saige: "Looks great Mae!"

Claire then exclaimed: "Pepper is now tamed!"
Saige looked relieved: "Thank you tons Claire!"

Just then the doorbell rang. 

Mae then volunteered to go retrieve the guests.

She soon came back with two girls.
One of them was supposed to be Sarah, and the other Delilah though I wasn't sure who was which.

Claire: "Hey guys! Nice to see you. How have you guys been? Yeah? Well...

They continued talking like they had been friends for ever. Which I didn't doubt.

Pepper then started jumping on Sarah.
"Aww cutie! You are so cute, yes you are! Ain't that right Pepper?"
Pepper wagged his tail and let out a delightful "Ruff!"
Saige then walked into the room.

Sarah: "Hey Saige! Long time no see huh?"
Saige: "Yeah, no kidding!"
Sarah: "So what's new?"
Saige: "A lot of things..."

Started talking as always.

I walked into the room with the sheets that Saige had asked me to get. 

Sarah then interrupted their conversation.
Sarah: "And who is this?"
Claire: "That's Amelia, the newest addition to the family!"

Amelia: "Hi! Yeah, I'm the newest addition."

I had no idea of who these people were but
reluctantly the first girl introduced herself.

"Hi! I'm Sarah in case you were wondering."

Delilah: "And I am Delilah!"

Amelia: "Well it's great to meet you both! I can't wait to have tons of fun!"


Part 2 coming soon!
So stay updated for when that will come!
I hope you enjoyed this. I have been super lazy lately and haven't done a photo story in such a long time it's not even funny. xD
Till Friday!

June 22, 2015

Purple ribbons ~ A photo shoot


It's so weird realizing that I haven't done a photo shoot in a while. Wow. xD
Sorry I haven't been posting as much as I need to be. I've just been super lazy. :P
But realizing now that I have 52 followers it has really boosted my energy and love for dolls.
Not that I ever started to not like dolls but you know what I mean. :)
So yes, I will be posting a lot more. :) I'm actually going out of town this Wednesday but I'll still be posting photo shoots and such just like a normal week. 
Thanks for reading!
Also comment down below your favorite picture.

Doll: GOTY 2013 Saige.
Dress and hat: American Girl "Addy's Sunday best" outfit set.
Boots: American Girl a Bitty Twin set.

June 17, 2015

Comparison between #23, and Claire

Hey everyone! 
Yes the title may seem a bit confusing with the fact that Claire, is #23 as well so that's kind of strange... But let's get right into this post so you can actually understand whats going on. xD

This is Wendy.

She is a MAG #23 as well as Claire. But a newer one. Her owner (Won't say her name) gave me permission to take pictures of her and compare the two. 
Now the reason why I am showing you all this is because I am actually planning on sending Claire into the doll hospital for a new head most likely after I get Grace so this is what she is going to look like after her visit! I just wanted to see what she would look like after.
So let's get into it!

 Okay so here in this picture there are already MAJOR differences in what the dolls look like.
They almost don't even look like the same doll!
Hair as you can see is either really dry, or nice and silky.
The clothe bodies are different colors if you can tell, so is skin tone.
Claire definitely looks older and more used and like a pleasant company doll.
And I don't know if you can tell but their eyes are different. Wendy's eyes are more narrow, while Claire's are more open and wide.  

 Claire also seems a little taller than the regular 18" doll I've noticed. 
IDK if all the pleasant company dolls were like that or if she's just a mistake.

 Here in this photo you can definitely see the difference in their eyes, and I can also see a slight difference as well in the eyebrows. Not exactly sure of what is different but they just don't look the same.

 This is a comparison between their hair.
Wendy's is definitely more shiny, newer, and wavier, and it's very silky.
Claire's is of course dry, and has split ends.

 Here's a closer comparison between both their bodies.
Wendy's is the darker one that has more color.
Claire's is the one that is washed out, and sort of leaning towards the color white.

 And here are pictures of where you can definitely see the difference in their faces.
And I figured out what was setting me off with the eyebrows!
Wendy's are more raised while Claire's are thicker and more down.
Wendy's eyes are narrower like we already said, freckle pattern is still the same, but the color of the paint is slightly different.
Lip color/blush is more washed out in Claire's face. Not surprising with the fact that she is a older doll and used, and the color of the skin is sightly different, but it's definitely not the same.


Well this was my comparison between old #23, and new #23. I hope you enjoyed this!
I am super excited now to send Claire to the hospital because now I know what is going to be fixed on her!
Thanks for reading!

June 8, 2015

Out of town

Hi everyone! 
So I'm just here to tell ya'll that I'm going to be out of town this whole week so I won't be posting anything here on my blog.
 I'm going to a camp for just girls called "Girls camp" Wow, such a title. xD So yeah, it should be tons of fun! I can't wait. ^_^ 
I'm leaving tomorrow.
So... Yeah, sorry about that! But I'll be back Monday! 
Thanks for understanding!

June 3, 2015

Ruby red ~ A photo shoot


Hope ya'll enjoyed this!
Comment down below which photo was your favorite!
And I have a very special announcement to make!
 It was my birthday on the 2nd!
*party blowers* 
Yeah, so I'll be doing a small haul on what I got for my birthday soon. 
Thanks for reading!