
May 20, 2014

AG Historical retirements!

Photo: Soon, we’ll say farewell to Marie-Grace, Cécile, Ruthie, and Ivy: Complete your collection while supplies last—quantities are extremely limited. This fall, the rest of the historical characters become BeForever, a fresh approach to these American Girl favorites that we’ll reveal in the coming months!

On May 20th there was an announcement on Facebook that Ruthie, Marie grace, Cecile , and Ivy are retiring!  We will miss them very much. American Girl said that they have no specific date for them to retire but to keep a look out.

Soon, we’ll say farewell to Marie-Grace, Cécile, Ruthie, and Ivy: Complete your collection while supplies last—quantities are extremely limited. This fall, the rest of the historical characters become BeForever, a fresh approach to these American Girl favorites that we’ll reveal in the coming months!

Did you hear that? "Quantities are extremely limited." If you are thinking of buying one of these dolls decide quick. The'll be gone before you know it. 
We new this was coming but didn't want it to come true! It will be so sad to see these very loved dolls in the archives. I have always loved Ruthie but haven't purchased her. So many exciting and sad events are happening with American Girl. I wonder if they will bring them back in the future just like Samantha is.  What are your thoughts? 

AG Chick

Beforever rumors

Hello everyone! Maybe you have heard that there have been some rumors going around... that American Girl is going to be changing a name from their collection. The Historical Collection, to Beforever Dolls. I was personally surprised but I think that it will be a good change. :)

Here is a video from YouTube talking about the name changes with meet outfits and even more exciting new things that are going to hopefully happen with AG. Video's by agoverseasfan. Make sure to look up agoverseasfan and SUBSCRIBE to her, she is an amazing AG Tuber.

Pretty exciting right? I am thinking that AG will probably make this change when Samantha comes back. I'm not totally sure but it makes sense. What is your opinion? Would you like the change? Make sure to comment. I'll soon post
another video on what new outfits are going to be on their way. Stay tuned!

AG Chick